
Breathwork in the Palm Court

Breathwork in the Palm Court

Find true tranquillity in the midst of life's hustle and bustle as we invite you to join us for an immersive and powerful breathwork & meditation experience at d'Angleterre, hosted by Pernille Lotus from Beyond Breath.

Embark on a deep and transformative journey as you are guided through moments of great power, inner stillness and deep mindfulness. Pernille Lotus will lead the sessions designed to cultivate inner peace, reduce stress, and promote overall well-being.

Event Details

Location: The Palm Court (or Louis XVI) at d'Angleterre.
Entrance through Hovedvagtsgade 5 - next to Amazing Space.

Dress Code: Comfortable attire.

Date: 18. august, 15. september, 13. oktober, 10. november (see more via Pernille Lotus' website).

Time: 11.00-13.00.

Tickets: Learn more and book tickets via Pernille Lotus' website here